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Upcoming Conference – AIAA SciTech (Jan. 13-17, 2014)

CRAFT Tech will be at the 2014 AIAA Science and Technology conference. We will be presenting some of our latest innovations in combustion, aeroacoustics, and design optimization.

13 – 17 January 2014
Location: National Harbor, Maryland
Venue: Gaylord National

Acoustic Source Localization of Rectangular Jets using Large Eddy Simulation with Numerical Phased Arrays
James P. Erwin; Praveen Panickar; Patrick Vogel; Neeraj Sinha

[quote style=”boxed”]Flowfield and acoustic analysis of unheated Mach 0.9 rectangular jets with an aspect ratio of 4:1 are presented. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) using a Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (DDES) approach is performed for both a basic and beveled rectangular nozzle, followed by a numerical phased array study that locates the acoustic sources in the jets at 1/3rd octave frequencies. [/quote]

Delaying the Onset of Stall by Blade Shape Optimization
Vineet Ahuja; Chandra Kannepalli; Andrea Zambon; Hadassah Naiman

[quote style=”boxed”]In this paper we apply an unsteady design optimization framework to refine rotorcraft blade designs by delaying the onset of stall, and improve aerodynamic performance as well as lift cycle hysteresis. The unsteady optimization framework utilizes an evolutionary algorithm, automated shape parameterization/deformation tool and a novel CFD derived analysis methodology for evaluating the objective function. [/quote]

Large-eddy Simulations of a Highly Turbulent Counterflow Premixed Flame
Konstantin A. Kemenov; William H. Calhoon

[quote style=”boxed”]A highly turbulent counterflow flame (TCF) burner has been simulated to study fluid dynamics aspects of the turbulent counterflow configuration and lay the grounds for testing the predictive capabilities of the newly developed LEM-CF combustion model in the highly-strained flow field environment. [/quote]

CRUNCH CFD Calculations for HiLiftPW-2 with Discretization Error Predictions
Peter A . Cavallo

[quote style=”boxed”]Turbulent flow predictions for the DLR F11 high lift configuration are obtained using the node-centered unstructured Navier-Stokes solver CRUNCH CFD® and the k-ω turbulence model. Grid refinement studies and angle of attack sweeps at high and low Reynolds number conditions are presented, with predicted results in very good agreement with experimental data. Unique to this work is the inclusion of predicted numerical errors due to grid resolution, obtained from the solution of Error Transport Equations (ETE).[/quote]


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