CRAFT Tech actively participated in the first (2010) and second (2013) AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshops. The objective of these workshops were to evaluate current-generation CFD capabilities through validation, as well as determine elements of high-lift flow physics that are critical for numerical modeling. For the first workshop (HiLiftPW-1), test data from a generic NASA trapezoidal wing configuration was used for numerical validation. A more realistic high lift configuration was used for the second workshop (HiLiftPW-2).
CRUNCH CFD in conjunction with CRISP CFD were used for HiLiftPW-2 to perform a grid refinement study, as well as angle of attack sweeps at high and low Reynolds number conditions. Of primary interest are the integrated lift, drag, and pitching moment coefficient variation with angle of attack. Pressure coefficient data along the slat, main element, and flap surfaces were obtained at ten pressure stations (PS) along the span. Results from the CFD simulations compared favorably with workshop experimental data.

Dr. Peter Cavallo’s presentation at AIAA SciTech 2014 – [View/Download]