Compressor Benchmark
A 3.5 stage axial compressor analysis corresponding to an experimental study at RWTH Aachen University was performed with CRUNCH CFD. The case involved coupled solver modules for each of the seven rows: inlet guide vane (IGV) and three rotor/stator rows. The rotor modules were calculated in a rotating frame of reference, while the IGV and stator modules were calculated in a stationary frame of reference. The results of the calculation compare very well to the measurements.
Steady State Calculation Details:
- Seven coupled solver modules with mixing plane interface between modules
- Implicit time-marching Gauss-Seidel Solver
- k-ε turbulence model with wall-functions
Comparison of Results with measurements:
- Other CFD codes predict separation on the outlet guide vane (OGV) stator blades
- CRUNCH CFD® correctly predicted that the flow stays attached