An unstructured Navier-Stokes multi-physics simulation solver for analyzing complex flow problems in a modular framework with specialized fluid and thermal solvers.
CRUNCH CFD features an advanced multiphase formulation with generalized non-ideal equations of state, unsteady hybrid LES/RANS models, far-field acoustic propagation modules, and advanced chemistry tools for modeling reacting flows. In addition, moving body problems are solved with a combination of grid deformation with localized grid remeshing. CRUNCH CFD is also highly scalable for large-scale computing.

Multi-Physics Simulation
Advanced Modeling Capabilities
Pre and Post-Processing Utilities
CRUNCH CFD comes with PRECRUNCH and POSTCRUNCH. Our preprocessing utility supports multiple mesh file formats. Our postprocessing utility can export to multiple solution formats including EnSight, Tecplot, ParaView, and FieldView.
User-Friendly GUI
The CRUNCH graphical user interface streamlines the setup process. Versions for Windows and Linux are available.
Computing Platforms
Available for cloud computing on Amazon EC2 and Oracle Cloud. Also available for Linux systems with MPI libraries for parallel computation.