Radiative transfer code for calculating UV, VIS, and IR spectral signatures and synthetic imagery.
SIG3D Overview
SIG3D is a parallelized radiation transfer code for calculating visible, infrared, and long wavelength ultra-violet optical signatures for a wide class of multiphase fluid applications. It provides error-quantified electro-optical/infra-red (EO/IR) predictions which in turn makes it possible to apply EO/IR analysis to problems which otherwise would require intensive human intervention or include severe practical limitations.
SIG3D automatically locates emitting/absorbing flowfield and/or hardbody regions which may potentially be of EO/IR relevance and samples those regions with Lines-of-Sight (LOS) until solution convergence. SIG3D has been demonstrated on a wide range of problems and contains several features that minimize the role of a ‘man-in-the-loop’ to simplify the optical analysis. The tool uses a “cloud-of-points” methodology for increased flexibility for application with structured, unstructured, facet-list, etc. numerical solutions including direct interfacing with all CRAFT Tech’s in-house solvers.